Any girls who like to eat vegetable salad? Or fall in love with eating different types of salad vegetables. Today we would like to include 10 types of salad vegetables that are low in calories and share with you other benefits. There are many more. Let me tell you that each type In addition to giving you many and different benefits. It also gives a different taste. Let’s just start with the first type of salad vegetable.
What are salad vegetables? How to choose what to eat to get the most benefit
1. Lettuce (LETTUCE)
Lettuce or lettuce is a very popular salad vegetable. The taste will be slightly bitter. This is because the leaves and stalks of lettuce contain a bitter-tasting substance called Lactucarium, which is a substance that helps stimulate relaxation very well. In addition, lettuce helps relieve constipation and helps with bowel movements very well.
2. Iceberg Lettuce (ICEBERG LETTUCE)
Iceberg Lettuce or iceberg lettuce is a salad vegetable that helps relieve constipation. Helps the digestive system work better. It is classified as a good laxative. In addition, lettuce is also suitable for people who suffer from diabetes. Because 100 grams of lettuce provides approximately 3% carbohydrates and only 27 kcal of energy.
3. Red Oak (RED OAK)
Red Oak is a salad vegetable that has a dark red color around the leaf edges. The middle part of the leaf is green. It is a salad vegetable that is easy to eat. Rich in high fiber Has properties that help clean the intestinal walls. As well as helping to get rid of fat. Helps fight free radicals And reduce the risk of colon cancer as well.
4. Green Oak (GREEN OAK)
Green Oak is a salad vegetable that is high in fiber. It helps digest food very well. It is also rich in vitamins. Therefore helps nourish eyesight. Nourish the nervous system and nourishes muscles well. Green Oak is considered a salad vegetable that is easy to eat. Because it’s quite soft. Suitable for many people who are starting to eat a lot of vegetables.
Rocket is a salad vegetable that is rich in various vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C and various B vitamins. It is a salad vegetable that helps nourish eyesight. Gives a good effect on the digestive system Helps relieve constipation, bloating and flatulence. Most importantly, it is very good at preventing anemia.
Wild Rocket is a salad vegetable with leaves that are different from other types of salad vegetables. completely And it has a distinctive feature of having a slightly spicy taste. But if it is cooked The spicy taste will disappear. But it is recommended to eat it fresh. Because it gives higher benefits It is also rich in vitamin C and high in potassium. It also helps prevent the flu as well.
Butter Head is a salad vegetable that is similar to cabbage. Because the leaves of this type of salad are thickly stacked like rose petals. The properties of this type of salad will help nourish eyesight, nourish hair, nourish skin, and nourish the nervous system. and nourishes muscles well It also helps reduce cholesterol incredibly.
8. Frillice Iceberg (FRILLICE ICEBERG)
Frillice Iceberg is a salad vegetable that is similar to lettuce. But the part of the leaf is quite curly. It is a salad vegetable that has a sweet, juicy taste and is very crisp. Rich in high vitamin C Helps prevent colds Strengthens the body’s immunity well It also helps in the formation of blood cells.
9. Romaine Lettuce (COS)
Cos is a salad vegetable often seen in Caesar salads. The leaves are slender and tall. Gives a slightly sweet taste. There is no green odor. Rich in vitamins and high iron. It has the property of increasing the amount of red blood cells in the body. Therefore, it is suitable for patients with severe anemia.
10. Red lettuce (RED CORAL)
Red Coral is a salad vegetable that is high in fiber. Therefore helping with excretion very well. It is also high in vitamin C. Thus helping to prevent cold symptoms. It also helps in getting rid of fat. Helps fight free radicals And helps reduce the risk of colon cancer as well.
11. Kale (KALE)
Kale (Kale) is a type of green leafy vegetable known in Thai as “kale kale” and is in the cabbage family. (Brassicaceae) is native to the Mediterranean and western Asia. Nowadays, it is popular to consume all over the world due to its high nutritional value. Eating kale regularly Helps to be healthy Prevent various diseases and helps the skin shine
Complete with 10 types of salad vegetables that come with interesting benefits. It can be seen that each type of salad has different characteristics. It also has its own unique flavor for any ladies who like to eat vegetable salad. Let’s try to choose which salad vegetables you like.