Benefits of 5 low-calorie salad vegetables You can eat it without making you fat.

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Salad is another popular menu item among people these days. Because it is an excellent health care menu, you can eat it to lose weight because it has lower calories than other types of food. The salad plate consists of many different types of vegetables. Today we have brought together the benefits of 5 types of salad vegetables. What will each type look like? What are the health and taste benefits? Let’s go follow.

1.Red Oak (RED OAK)

A popular salad vegetable that anyone who likes to eat salad should be familiar with. Red Oak has a distinctive feature in that it is both green in the middle of the plant. and red are located at the tip of the same leaf. They have a wavy appearance, sweet and crisp taste, low in calories, packed with dietary fiber. Eat it and it will help with excretion. It also makes the intestines clean. Prevents hemorrhoids Relieve sore throat Canker sores nourish the nerves, nourish eyesight, and nourish hair as well.

2.Green Oak (GREEN OAK)

It is another type of salad vegetable that always goes with Red Oak. Green Oak has the same external appearance as Red Oak, but is different in that the color of the vegetable is always green throughout the leaves. It is a green leafy vegetable that is rich in many health benefits. Whether it is beneficial in skin care Helps strengthen blood cells It also helps to normalize the digestive system.

3. Cosmetics (COS)

This vegetable has long, slender, tall leaves and is notable for its crispness. Even the vegetables are greener than other vegetables. But there was no green odor and no bitter taste. But it has a sweet, crisp, delicious taste, and is rich in vitamins and high iron. Cosmetics will help keep the blood system strong. Prevents anemia, high in fiber and low in calories. This vegetable is popularly used as a Caesar salad. It goes well with it.


Many people have probably eaten this ufabet type of vegetable before. Especially salad menus in our country because they are thin, crisp, sweet and look appetizing when used in cooking. It looks like a vegetable leaf curled into a head. The leaf edges are slightly wavy. And it has a clear light green color, similar to glass. 100 grams of lettuce provides only 27 kilocalories of energy. Eating it will help you sleep easier. Lettuce is also rich in hemoglobin that helps prevent cancer and blood diseases. It also helps reduce the risk of diabetes.

5. Red Coral (RED CORAL)

Vegetables that many people think are purple. This is different from Red Oak in that the entire tree is red. It has large, curly and fluffy leaves. This type of vegetable is considered to have little cholesterol. Full of high dietary fiber Eating it will help with the digestive system. Helps trap fat and break down fat well. It also contains various antioxidants. It is also rich in high vitamin C. Eating it will help reduce the chance of getting a cold. It also helps make bones and teeth strong.

These are 5 low-calorie salad vegetables that we would like to recommend. which has a sweet, crisp, delicious taste It can be easily used to create various salad menus, suitable for those who want to control their weight.